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Forever connected


By: Deb Sheppard

When our loved ones cross over, although they are on the other side, they are still by our side. They are still with you and supporting you through your life. You are “Forever Connected”.

I created the Forever Connected collection, Oracle Cards, and Spirit Wear to honor your loved ones. It is also a reminder that we can open communication with the spirit world and move forward in a much more enlightened, passionate, and inspired way.

Mala meditation


By: Deb Sheppard

Introducing my exclusive Prayer and Positive Intention Mala. Every bead and color chosen for a very specific purpose, and they have been blessed or activated by me. They can be a reminder of positive intentions, can help you achieve goals, remove obstacles, and find comfort and feel supported, knowing that the Divine Spirit is within all things, and is supportive our connection and unity to Spirit. With this kind of support, you can achieve anything.

Concious intentions


By: Deb Sheppard

You deserve the best life! This is exactly what I was thinking when I created the Conscious Intentions Manifesting Treasure Boxes. I have worked with many students over the years and have taught them how to change their thought patterns to create a life they love.

I believe thought’s become things and acting “as if” is a truly powerful way to create and realize our best life. I work with energy in readings, in connecting with spirit every day and it is what I used to bring love into my life. My intention is to make it easier for you to manifest your desires, realize you best life and help raise the consciousness of the world.