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If You Find Meditation Challenging This Will Help.

This question is often asked because people want to learn how to meditate and struggle with quieting their mind.  Yet…they have a desire to connect with their guides and loved ones and want to seek answers while they are going through struggles in life.  They also want to learn to trust their gut.

I reflect to the Tibetan monks who have no partners, no children, no stressful career and no bills to pay.  They can sit in a lotus position and allow their minds to hear nothing.  But, for the rest of us, we feel so guilty for even taking a moment of quiet time for ourselves.

Our daily to do list never stops and taking extra time out of a day can be a challenge.  The demands on most of us are constant and feeling guilty for taking time out complicates the purpose of meditation.  Is this you?  

First of all, for me to even sit in a lotus position is painful.  My knees hurt, then my back and my shoulders begin to feel uncomfortable and even spasm.  Sound familiar?  So, I like to be creative when it comes to meditating.  

What’s the purpose of meditating?  It’s merely to quiet our world and focus on the present.  To become centered and relax our body and our mind.  To create a moment of peace while living a very hectic life.  Sometimes your mind will still chatter, and thoughts will come in and leave, but that’s 100% okay.  Just compare it to when you are trying a new exercise to flatten one’s stomach muscles.  It’s not going to change right away, it will take some time to see the results. 

This may sound very strange, but some of my best meditations I have are during the time I blow dry my hair.  I put my phone in another room.  I typically won’t try to talk on the phone while I’m using a loud machine next to my ears.  I will receive messages from my guides, sometimes I have new ideas or solutions for things I am working on. Often, I will play solitaire on my phone because it helps me find that relaxed state of mind.  It certainly doesn’t look spiritual, but it works for me.  I’ve been meditating a very long time, and there are still times that my mind doesn’t want to relax.  

Just find what works for you.  For some, meditating while taking a shower or bath works.  You can imagine chakra colors and imagine cleaning any energy you want to release into the water and back to mother earth.

Others find that being out in nature is a great form of meditation. Seeing the beauty of our planet and taking deep breaths while allowing your mind to become calm. 

Basically, use anything that calms your soul.  Try coloring mandalas (or adult coloring books) cooking a simple meal, even folding your freshly washed clothes.  This may not make sense, but these are things tasks where you don’t have to think, problem solve or worry about being judged.

It’s doing something that is repetitious and is very familiar to you.  Being in a quiet room, with candles, soft music, and comfortable clothing is a beautiful way to meditate.  However, for some individuals that are new to meditation, I have found that they are frustrated for not doing it “right.”  That’s the first challenge.  You are not doing anything wrong.  Just try to find what works for you.  What will allow you to relax your mind, body, and spirit?

Just begin. The first step is to fit some form of meditation into your regular routine.  There will be less guilt in the process of taking out of your busy life, and it won’t be such a challenge to make it happen.

You can find all types of meditations, even on the internet.  I have a few I have created, but there is no wrong or right way to meditate.  It can be a simple process.  Do not get frustrated with your perception of meditation versus the reality when you begin.  It’s like looking at a cover of a beauty magazine with the image of a perfect body that 99.9% don’t have.  We all look different and beautiful in our own way, and this is precisely how meditation can be for you.

Try to not put pressure on yourself, relax by watching funny videos that are accessible online, set up a Pinterest account with positive or funny boards.  Just make a commitment to begin.

We have a judgmental society and meditation isn’t customarily taught to us as children. Our lives have all become so “busy”.   Give yourself permission to begin to experience and use different ways to calm your mind and soul, it will be something you will be able to call upon whenever you need it. 

Happy meditating!