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Can This Change Your Life? Understanding Energy.

Most of the world is staying home while we work together to change the course of COVID-19 Pandemic. It is such a great time to change the energy in your home and your life using the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui.

I want to share a little bit about my story so you know why I have such a strong belief in this practice. I was at a serious crossroads in my life and searching for answers to help my family when a friend told me about Feng Shui.  My late husband had lost his job due to several natural disasters and he could not find a similar VP job. We were going under and didn’t know where to turn.  We had tried all the typical options, but nothing was working and I had two small children at home.

I’m pretty open minded, but during this time I felt so desperate and was willing to try anything to turn things around.  I went to a bookstore to learn more about energy and decided to purchase a book called The Western Guide to Feng Shui, by Terah Katheryn Collins.  It changed my life forever.  

This is where my new journey began. It changed the energy around me so much that I started feeling spirits and loved ones on the other side. They even followed me into the shower to make themselves known. Thank goodness I was able to put boundaries on that!

What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui? This ancient Chinese philosophy seeks to find balance and harmony between elements.  Feng Shui places emphasis on physical and mental health, success, and healthy relationships which is brought on through positive energy flow.  Often referred to as the art of placement, it’s about “Chi” or energy.  Comprised of two words: “feng” meaning wind and “shui” meaning water which are the most basic elements required for human survival.

My last blog about chakras I talked about energy centers in our body which also include colors and elements.  Keep in mind these things are all intertwined.  Many ancient cultures have given us so many insights that we can bring into practice to create balance and to thrive. 

Most importantly, when I began practicing Feng Shui I felt empowered. I also felt that it provided a way for me to help control my future.  One thing I have always taught; what you think is what you create and this was the beginning of my understanding about manifesting.  

Let’s change the energy of your space because we are all hunkering down right now it is the perfect time to implement a few simple things.

It is easy to do.

The beauty of this practice of Feng Shui is it is easy to do. You can use it multiple ways in your home, yard, office, even in your car.  You don’t have to be a decorator or have special training to get the most out of this.  I continue to use it in my life and love what energy it brings to me. Even just this past week Dana and I painted our kitchen, which is our wealth corner and we are seeing results already.

I have a fun example for you, often I am asked to help with a clients home or place of business when there is a situation that is causing blocks in their lives.  A wonderful client called me to her home that had been on the market for a year. It had gotten very little to no interest from buyers.  This was a large, very beautiful and well designed home. 

When you live and work in your space, you won’t recognize unbalanced or heavy energy because it becomes comfortable and normal to you. When I enter a space as an expert I can feel the true essence of the energy in the space.

One family’s story.

This family had a lot of illness in this home that lasted for a few years.  They dealt with many tragic things like brain tumors, falling down a long staircase, and multiple surgeries to fix an original surgery that went south. I could feel this the second I walked in the door and I had difficulty breathing.  They had already moved into their new residence. The home was empty except for the furniture and staging for selling.

I provided several “cures” as they call it in Feng Shui.  Some of these suggestions consisted of hosting a “party” or celebration in their home. They needed to bring laughter and a higher vibration back into the home.   I had them spend a day reminiscing about all the great times they had there to appreciate the house that sheltered them. I gave them a fun assignment to change the energy with some more “R” rated activities. We implemented many more simple things that you will hear more about this week.

Within a week of my visit I received a call that the owner that the house sold!

The buyer that purchased the home had looked at it the prior year and finally decided to pull the trigger. This is just one example on the power of Feng Shui and energy.

Where to begin.

This is what I want you to do between today and Friday if you can. Go through your piles of paper and get rid of what you don’t need, file away what you do. Go into your closets and take out clothing you don’t want any longer. Next, get rid of old magazines unless you keep a few for a vision board. Look into your cabinets and remove old, broken items. Replace burnt out light bulbs and get rid of trinkets or any broken things in your home. Broken chairs, torn items, etc. If you are going to fix something, fix it. Get rid of plants that are dead or dying. This will give us a great start on implementing all the very simple tips that I will share with you on Friday.

We are going to Feng Shui your home!