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When Animals Are Around Pay Attention

As far back as I can remember, I have had animals.  Dog, cats, parakeets, fish, hamsters, and even a horse.  When I had kids, we brought more animals into our lives because I believe they are essential to learning about empathy, compassion and unconditional love.  Currently, Dana and I have two dogs and two cats.  

I love seeing post’s about animals.  Have you noticed that currently we are seeing more posts about wild animals enjoying roaming areas that are usually filled with tons of people?   It really is fun to see.

When animals are around, pay attention.

We are connected to animals in so many ways.  There is an activity I do every class I teach, where before you enter you choose a card from a deck of animal oracle cards, which then becomes your Totem animal for the class.  I believe animals are great messengers.  Most of the time I find that the card you have chosen for class resonates and speaks to exactly what you are experiencing in life either in the past or right now.    There is one time I had a student pull a card that brought a negative memory up for her, and she even though about leaving the class, but she stayed and realized it was exactly the card she needed, and it spoke to her.   When animals are around, pay attention.  Especially, the ones you are not expecting to see.  Look up the spiritual meaning of the animal.  

Recently, we went to the zoo which I hadn’t been in a few years.  Of course, with COVID-19 we had guidelines to adhere too, but it was still enjoyable.  We walked by a mother rhinoceros with her 6-month-old baby which I’m sure was 400-500 lbs. but still so adorable.  Just around the bend, we walked to a large gated area when I saw the biggest rhinoceros I’d ever seen.  This dude was very large and walked slowing in his pen.  Of course, I had to look up the spiritual meaning of rhinoceros, which I found resonates in my life right now and was a good message for me.  It said, I need to delve deeper to know the truth and look beyond the masks that people wear, as well as to not be quick to judge people based only on stereotypes and prejudices.  Certainly, something I needed to hear, again.

Can they see energy?

Animals are extremely intuitive; they see and feel energy.  Animals in the wild have a very strong intuition, their senses keep them alive, and they must protect their young, survive attacks from predators, survive natural disasters.  I believe that they also communicate telepathically.  Have you noticed your dog or cat staring into the air, but you don’t see what they are seeing?  They are truly seeing energy. 

I remember awhile back my kids had taken my little white dog Jaycee on a walk.  As they began walking on the sidewalk, Jaycee stopped and wouldn’t go any future.  They looked ahead and saw a fox coming their way.  I’m sure Mr. Fox was looking for dinner. 

How many times when you have been sad that your pet comes up and lays his head or entire body on you?  During COVID-19 and the quarantines have you felt closer to your pet.  Have they helped you get through some tough days?  Animals understand emotions and know how to help us heal.  A cat purr frequency is actually a healing frequency.  It just amazes me how animals are so interconnected to us.   

We have the same ability with our intuition.

As humans we are also born with the same intuition, however we are told to not listen, follow facts not your intuition.  When I don’t listen, I certainly regret it.  Have you?

Animals simply trust their intuition and use it daily.  Observing animals can also help you develop your sixth sense.  A little story from our world, I have always loved horses and wanted Dana to enjoy them as well.  Before our vacation last year she decided to take riding lessons so we could go riding on the beach because she knows how much I love riding.  These guys are big, and it can be overwhelming to even be close to one.  She was fearful of horses due to their size and was a bit intimidated.  However, putting her mind to it, Dana learned a lot from her lessons and was able to really enjoy the experience.   The way you lean or lightly kick their shank they know what you want them to do. 

Riding a horse is one way you can learn to trust yourself more and feel a little more empowered.  Horses are wonderful therapy; they know what we need.  We learn what we need, how to trust our gut and follow through on what we are feeling.

During your day pay attention to the energy around you especially animals.  If you are on a walk or driving around and see an animal- take a second to google the meaning, it’s probably something you need to hear and understand. Look it up-google “he spiritual meaning of….” and see what the universe is trying to tell you.


Deb Sheppard

12 things To Pay Attention to Right Now. COVID-19

I have been having these incredibly intense dreams and a few days in a row, specifically about this COVID-19 coronavirus.  It was while I was in that twilight state and sometimes that is when my guides flood me with information.  I was quiet and relaxed, and the floodgates opened.  

There is all kinds of discussion and speculation on social media, the news channels, your employer, your friends and family we seem to be all over the place with how we feel about this pandemic.  It can be quite overwhelming and confusing.  As I meditate and communicate with my guides, they have given me some great information and have also allowed me to feel the pain and enlightenment the world is going through right now. What this world is experiencing right now is a rebalance of all types of energy.  

Remember the song Come Together Right Now?  We need this now more than ever.

Reconnect and Rebuild.

  1. This is not going to go away quickly.  We are in this for the long haul as much as we want it to end right away.  It may be here through the summer months unfortunately.
  2. Before this virus we were so busy and separated from our neighbors, community, people, other countries because we are just so focused on our day to day lives.  What we are seeing is this virus has a life of its own, it is unknown, and we are being forced to pay attention.  We are changing how we do things changing and changing how we perceive our surroundings, the world and our loved ones.  
  3. This moment in time has a spiritual meaning.  It is time to reflect on our daily routines, do they serve us or are we just going through the motions?  Our world has been put on hold so we can be quiet sit still and appreciate what we have in life.
  4. This is also a time to reconnect and rebuild.  Check on and catch up with family, friends and neighbors.  There are many ways to do this, phone, zoom, facetime.   I have found myself connecting with many friends I have not seen in ages.  I also find myself talking to family more than I have for several years. 
  5. We are all connected in their world.  This is our reminder.  We are not separate.  What happens to one happens to all.  Our world is connected and does not discriminate.  We are all equal and this virus shows us that.  It cannot see color, religion, sexual orientation, occupation, financial status……We needed a reminder of this concept. 
  6. Will you choose panic or persevere?    I’ve read a few things with people saying, “oh this has happened before” indicating that they may not be taking this seriously.  I have seen those that are in a panic without the ability to function and doing things like buying every roll of toilet paper they can get their hands on.  I want you to know either way you choose to go it isn’t right or wrong.  Your previous life experiences may dictate your response, but can you slow down and persevere? 
  7. Life is short, slow down and help each other. If you know of a person who feels isolated, maybe call them or drop off something that lets them know they are not forgotten.  If you are feeling isolated, or stressed about this, then reach out to someone that can help you through the process.  There is nothing wrong with asking for help and normally the individual you reached out to will feel honored that you needed them during this time.  If you need help RECEIVE.  How many times have I taught this?  
  8. We can address climate change by changing what and how we do things!  Look at the improvements over Italy and China in such a short amount of time.  
  9. We are all still here to learn lessons for enlightenment.  COVID-19 has allowed us to learn many lessons together as a collective so we can decide what changes to make going forward.  
  10. We have become a society of instant gratification.  How is that working for us today? We have so much on hold so we can evaluate what is really important.  Do we need 100” tv’s or the ability to connect with friends and family. 
  11.   Let’s take some deep breaths and figure out a plan.  This is a time to hold each other up and try to find the answers.
  12. We can learn from this; we can prevent or slow down future outbreaks as we are learning new things and learning more about our humanity.  

Remember-all big changes are preceded by turmoil.

Listen to common sense, your providers and use this time to relax and have fun with your family.   Most of us wanted more time with family, well we are manifesting that right now.

Many have started working from home for the first time.   Wouldn’t this be great if this becomes the new normal?  How wonderful would this be in so many ways with less car emissions, more time with family and our fur babies, less use of gas and less car accidents.  Less commuting and more connecting!  

Every day has been looking a little different and we are not in control.  Being prepared for quick changes as that is essential this this process.  If you’re the type that likes everything to be consistent you may start with some self-talk, remember some past experiences where things changed unexpectedly but you did successfully mange it.  Talk to someone who knows you and can help guide you reminding you of tools.

One of my favorite tools is humor.  My mother always had humor throughout our life experiences and I still love that today.  I even tell dad jokes and Dana just looks at me with that rolled eye expression, but I make her laugh and that brings levity to our quarantine. 

It’s 100% okay to have humor right now.  We are all grieving in some way right now, sometimes when we are grieving, we don’t feel laughter is appropriate.  But it is the opposite of that belief.   We are all energy, feeling optimistic and embracing humor are some of the best things you can do during this time.

Just a day at a time or even an hour at a time.  Embrace what you are feeling, talk about it, write it down or even sing about it.  There is no wrong way to manage this new normal.

Please share what you are doing to support your needs right now and if humor is a part of it then share it with others. 

