Want to Easily Get Messages from Spirit & Loved Ones? Get this amazing FREE Psychic Dreaming Course

Invite Deb To Speak At Your Next Event

Deb has done many private events of all sizes and is available to speak and conduct medium readings to large and small groups.  She is able to guide your event in a very interactive, interesting and unique way to create a truly powerful experience.

Topics can include any combination:

  • Mediumship
  • Connecting with spirit
  • Spirituality
  • Guided Meditation

During these events she also does live audience medium and intuitive readings and any combination of subjects.

Are you or your organization looking to…

  • Learn how to move through your fears to live with more joy and less guilt
  • Receive new “tools” for your “toolbox” as you move through grief and towards healing
  • Become more intuitive in your work or learn to trust your “gut” and intuition
  • Help your work and personal relationship become better and stronger

Reach out by filling out this form of interest and give us 24 hours to get back with you.

We look forward to talking to you about your event.

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