Deb (6s):
Welcome to spirited straight talk the ultimate podcast for anyone who is ready to live a life with intention and help from spirit. I am your host, Deb Sheppard, spiritual teacher, medium and author helping you open up to the whole enchilada or like, we like to say, the soul enchilada, so you can truly make your soul rise. So let’s go!
Dana (58s):
As Deb Sheppard dances in the background
Deb (1m 1s):
so that you want to rock out and do my a, my old man, a 50 year old overbite. No, no,
Dana (1m 9s):
No, no. So what’s this about money, money, money, money, money, or just
Deb (1m 13s):
doesn’t that song to take you back.
Dana (1m 15s):
Yep. And I didn’t realize that that was from the apprentice, which is not
Deb (1m 22s):
it’s our secret
Dana (1m 23s):
or our favorite show ever.
Deb (1m 27s):
Umm, you know, money there so we’re gonna talk about money because money is Energy. And as most of us as humans, we want to have a comfortable life. We want to make sure that if we were creating a business or we were retiring to where you want to do certain things for our family, that we have money. And for a lot of people, they want to open a spiritual practice. However, they just don’t see people being financially stable in this type of work. And it really is a lot to do with the belief system in what people think of. And I know for me over the years looking at money and my value and what I charge in it and how do I, you know, work with people and it’s all just exchange of energy.
Deb (2m 10s):
And I remember being told or asked several times, “well you have a gift” you know, that it drives me crazy. You hear that word versus an ability and you say you shouldn’t be charging ’cause, you know, you are helping the world and you know that it would be a really nice thing to do, but like all of us, we have bills to pay and things to take care of. And also just the things that we’d love in life, seeing the enjoyment and the pleasures, but money definitely has a vibration for a lot of people that feel that it’s evil or it’s a bad thing, never to have too much. And don’t be greedy. I know growing up money doesn’t grow on trees or you know, who do you think you are? Or do you need to work really hard for your money?
Deb (2m 52s):
It can’t come easily. And so there’s all these belief systems that I truly believe affect our ability receive money and that we don’t have to go back and saying, oh, I had to work really, really hard. I mean, I think people do work hard for, for their finances, but I think there’s just so many different levels of consciousness when it comes to money as a
Dana (3m 13s):
part of its a mindset,
Deb (3m 14s):
it’s a mindset completely. So what are the things I’ll ask people, like if you won the lottery, what would you do? We see these shows with all of the lottery, you don’t have a lottery.
Dana (3m 23s):
What would you do? Or what
Deb (3m 24s):
would you do with, me personally? I think first of all, like I think most people’s make sure our finances are in good, good order, but looking at investing, you know, why should we limit just that? And I think what I hear people say most of the time is I would help my family. It would give to, you know, the community or for these fundraisers or, and those are all good. But again, it’s about giving out your money again versus how can you build upon that? What would you do that?
Dana (3m 53s):
I think that, I Agree. I think you have to make sure that you are financially set. If you come upon a windfall like that, you know, you, all of a sudden you have all this money. Well, what do you do? And a lot of people’s first inclination, like you said, is to help everyone else. Well, why not build upon it and then choose to pick and choose
Deb (4m 18s):
how you going to do it,
Dana (4m 18s):
how you’re going to help. And when you’re going to help, as opposed to just saying, oh, I’m gonna give it all away.
Deb (4m 23s):
Yes I’m. And I think too its where the judgment is as well, they’ve all this money and when will they think of to help me out. And I’m not sure I would tell anybody because you know, there’s people that you have not seen in years that might come out of the woodwork versus, and not having that pressure. Then you’re going to have that guilt, which is also gonna lower that vibration that we’re going to talk about instead of really being clear, going, okay, what should I do next? But let’s say you don’t have that winfall. So what is it that you’re going to do for yourself in the meantime, to create the opportunity of receiving and what the energy around money is?
Dana (5m 0s):
Why do you think people in this spiritual community don’t place a value on their time? Is it because others tell them? I know we receive messages occasionally on social media requesting free readings. And you requesting that you donate your time to them and there cause right.
Deb (5m 22s):
And we do donate it a lot.
Dana (5m 24s):
You, you didn’t, you, you donate a lot to the community of choice, but we receive a random requests for people. Oh, I can’t afford you. How can I get your services though? Yeah. And it, it’s difficult to navigate that
Deb (5m 42s):
You don’t wanna, you want to help people. But I always say I’m not the only one out there. You know, there were so many varieties of people that do the same work maybe in different ways, but I am not the only individual.
Dana (5m 54s):
You are one of the best.
Deb (5m 55s):
Well, according to you.
Dana (5m 56s):
Yes or, or no, according to a lot of people
Deb (5m 59s):
but I think a spiritual people that are really intuitive and very empathic, they feel the pain of others. And so what they do is a take that on and give it to themselves versus value in that they can’t give as much to other people If they’re always lowering their prices or giving it away for free.
Dana (6m 18s):
Cause then your, your working so hard to pay your bills or, or not being able to pay them because you’re just giving everything away. What you have, the ability as you have, have a huge value.
Deb (6m 32s):
So this is any one in the business. If you hire an accountant, a contractor, you’re a dentist and that attorney they’re all being paid. We pay them for their services. So to me, this is no different than the other service, but I think there is a thought that because how we do it, that there’s less value in that we should give it away for free. What I tell people is, well, if my mortgage company, the electric bill, the credit card, or you know, the water and they all say, I can do it for free, you know, they’re not going to charge me. Absolutely. But that’s not how it works. So we are in the human situation and, and all of this as a responsibility to take care of our homes in our families and our health.
Deb (7m 11s):
And it, you know, I look at these people that are always just giving so much they’re health is being effected and you really helped me or the last few years when I’ve had those challenges with my health, that we need to balance that maybe working less and taking care of myself and saying no, when we really need to, when I’m tired. And I think that’s also the abundance, you know, to me, money is a value, but so is my energy, my health, what is valuable to you? So that is also putting an energy around that as well. And so I think there’s also a lot of judgment around money. You know, we look at politics, what our government has spending money on.
Deb (7m 53s):
And four, a lot of us, we have seen our veterans out, you know, panhandling asking for money that we’re not taking care of them. And what about schools and, and our medical care and the police and the fire departments. We all look at what our government is spending and what we vote for. There’s a lot of judgment how it should be done and that really can effect who we vote for or what we think I’m. And I think it is a lot of, is just personal about what we, the
Dana (8m 23s):
Limiting beliefs, we’re circling back to limiting beliefs and really viewing things a certain way versus being that in your mind.
Deb (8m 35s):
so one of the great things that I like talking about is how athletes are judged for how much money they make as a career. And we hear that they have these assignments for you now, millions of more money for being an athlete, right? And Then we say,
Dana (8m 51s):
we get paid various. So these top athletes get paid really well.
Deb (8m 54s):
Absolutely. Yeah. Then we look at a school teacher or, you know, a, someone that is of service and how they’re not being paid as much. And what we see as the value is not that that person, that’s a S that’s a teacher or somewhat of service is more valuable than the athlete. It’s what that athlete brings to the community. So the athlete can bring so many different jobs. So they’re bringing the advertising, you know, the food industry, the ticket sales in a parking lot, or paying to a park their vehicles, Janitor service, clothing. If you look at all of the clothing that’s made by someone’s number or the name and that there sponsored from this
Dana (9m 34s):
Or the people that, that athlete or those athletes or teams employ, there’s a lot of jobs provided.
Deb (9m 42s):
So that’s why there’s more money in that situation. Industry is because how many jobs are created from those athletes that are playing on the field versus a, if you look at the school teacher, it’s our government it’s that unless its a private paid school or governments are paid for the school and the security and the building and the air conditioning and whatever else goes into that, the buses, so its money that they need more vs that it’s giving to our community. So this is why the person is not more valuable. It’s the industry that they’re in creates more value. And I think that, that makes sense. So I think its understanding that there is a difference in, and people do really judged, well, how come they are doing this and why are they spending that kind of money on this?
Dana (10m 26s):
And I think it’s, and those athletes Don’t deserve that. And I had to know, I have to agree in some sense, like these salaries are immense, but it does though the sports events bring a lot of jobs to the communities that have sports teams
Deb (10m 45s):
So yeah. So it’s a everything that you think about when it comes to these athletes,
Dana (10m 51s):
Everybody that the handle’s electronics and computers and what I mean there’s for one event, there’s gotta be probably at least 500 employees.
Deb (11m 2s):
Yeah. We do see a more, and then we judge how they spend their money. And, but I do know that I have met athletes and one of them, you and I met that was a former football player. And I didn’t know that at the time. And he walked into the studio and he could hardly walk. And when I found out what he did at the end of the meeting
Dana (11m 22s):
Is he was a prominent football player to so I’m sure he had a higher salary.
Deb (11m 27s):
Yes, absolutely. And I said, what did you do it before I finished my sentence? Would you do it again? Because of the pain he goes, absolutely not before you even finish. So there is also the price to pay when you use your body as your value. And that’s an important thing to look at too. How much of A lot.
Dana (11m 43s):
So you know he can’t work. Yeah. He is so injured in, broken. Yeah.
Deb (11m 47s):
And he was that he could hardly even sit he was so uncomfortable. And I thought here you did that. You were good at, and you had a passion and you were paid well im assuming. Mmm. But then his body, you are just like, I wouldn’t do it again. So there is that.
Dana (12m 4s):
Well, he played for years On the Denver Broncos and he was a, he was one of the top players. So yeah. You know, he was paid really well. Yeah. But for him to say, I wouldn’t sacrifice myself again. So says a lot to be in the same situation.
Deb (12m 20s):
Yeah. It says a lot and teachers For me so we, as an example are a lot like parents, you know, you try to work with your, your children, you don’t get to see the results and you really hope the best. So again, you look at all of these different jobs and is one more valuable than the other. And it’s really about what that job cooperates and we would, they do. But it’s also how people judge people with money. You and I were talking the other night about getting a convertible sports car or son Jake looked it up and he goes, well, that one is about $250,000. Yeah.
Dana (12m 54s):
Cause we were talking about a Tesla because they are electric. Yeah. But you know, we can’t do that.
Deb (13m 4s):
Well what I said was, I’d rather have a place by the beach. So again its what do you feel is valuable? Where would you spend your money? And when you do have friends that had beautiful cars, why not? What people think, oh, well what are they spending their money on that? So again, it’s looking at your belief system and how your judging others.
Dana (13m 23s):
But then again, if you think about that vehicle that they purchased the makers of the vehicle yes. The, the day profit from selling that vehicle. But what about all the employees that, that company employs and all of the designers and the pages and the engineer’s and so they’re paying somebody’s salary, correct? Or so many people salary. Yeah. So that they can, why not? Yeah.
Deb (13m 50s):
if They Can do it then you do it. But I think it’s really going back to your belief system. If you are feeling like, well, why are they getting paid this much money and they’re not worth it. And look how hard I work. Has nothing to do with how hard you work and how someone else’s work is it is the complete community in society. How would you decide a value? But again, we want to talk about how do we, how do we change that for ourselves? How do we decide how to receive more money? And we look at people in my business, in our practice at our spiritual some make wow. And for them and some, have to have a second job or another job and this is their secondary job. And so how to change this. And one of the ways that I think is interesting too, how it learn, how to receive money is working on your second chakra.
Dana (14m 35s):
Okay. So we talk about chakras quite often in and how do we align your chakras? So,
Deb (14m 42s):
So your belief system, it’s looking at what you think about it. What do you think about others? But the second chakra is your sacrum. So it’s or all your organs are for having babies. Is that the way to say is your Sacrum.
Dana (15m 1s):
You struggled with that one
Deb (15m 3s):
And that is about giving andreceiving and people. So what really surprised cause is all about the yin and yang. And for instance, we have the sun twenty-four seven we would all perish. I wouldn’t be here. So we need the cycles of the moon, which balance the water and balanced our planet and things like that. Well, when I ask people, one color is feminine, went to a one colors, masculine, what color is feminine? People usually say white that’s actually the black. Female energy needs to receive to procreate. So we’re at the moon, it’s on the left side. That’s how it’s all vibrates. The white on the ying and yang is the male and that has the sun and then it needs to give it to procreate. So for constantly giving the universe believes that we want to give them, we don’t wanna receive.
Deb (15m 47s):
And with that said, if we’re constantly giving, is that masculine energy versus creating the balance of being able to give and receive women have really found their independence. They want to not have a need. So learning to receive is huge. So most of us wants to take care of ourselves. We want to be independent. We have worked really hard to be more independent. And I’m talking right now more to the female energy, but this is also a male energy where they don’t feel like they want to ask for help as well. Women seem to have a more difficult time that I’ve worked with, but it’s even just being able to take you a compliment O that’s really a beautiful what else you’re wearing.
Deb (16m 29s):
I didn’t want to hear the backstory. I don’t want to hear oh, where you got it and how much you paid. It was a complementary to your car. And just say, thank you. But we have a tendency to push back compliments and oh is not a big deal or I’m so sorry. We have a tendency to do that. So receiving is at the basic thing of just being allowed to say, thank you when you receive a compliment. Letting people help you pick up the, the tab. How many times do you feel guilty? Because someone’s picking up the jab for you. One of our students Becca, in our class, I loved it. She said, I’m not needy, but I’m an advocate for my needs. And I think we’re at a part in our belief system where we’re supposed to be so independent, but then we want to have a relationship or partnerships or more clients or more support or financially more stable that we’re unable to allow ourselves to receive.
Deb (17m 22s):
So it’s changing that. And I know you, and I’ve worked on that to supporting each other cause we didn’t always have it in the past, but I do take more from you than you that I give you. So it’s not quite balanced
Dana (17m 33s):
I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s true. So, so ask for help and learn to receive, to learn, to read one of the biggest, some of the biggest things.
Deb (17m 43s):
Yes. And throughout this, that we’ve talked about the vibrations and go back to the chakras. If you want to know more about the second chakra, which is in the podcast, but it’s also looking at forgiving yourself for things. I think there’s a lot of guilt when we spend money on ourselves. There’s times where, you know, I worked really hard, so I really deserve this vs. why don’t you deserve it because you are a good person and you have the money in you. Like what, what is there? Sometimes we feel that we have to take care of everybody else that you said at the very beginning of the podcast. Well, if I receive a lot of money for me to take care of everybody, and if we see other people struggling, we feel guilty if we have something more than somebody else. So, and again,
Dana (18m 23s):
If you’re a spiritual worker and you are told, are made to believe that you have a gift, so you should give it away for free, that you can’t pay your bills in and support yourself because of that.
Deb (18m 35s):
What would this Person to expect you to do it for free or less? You know, you don’t go to a restaurant or to a store and start negotiating the cost.
Dana (18m 46s):
Could you imagine. Ionly want to pay $4 for this steak.
Deb (18m 51s):
You don’t understand my background? And, and I’m going through a hard time
Dana (18m 56s):
and don’t, you know, since you can cook, you should give away for free.
Deb (19m 1s):
I think It’s one of those things to really see where you’re value is. And again, we’re, we’re looking at the athletes versus the teacher is a person of service, a, a spiritual person or whatever that looks like for any of us. So it’s realizing that we do have a value. The more we see our value and we respect it. And we put boundaries around that and we remove a lot of the guilt and that old kind of a belief system. It’s going to help you create the energy that people are going to see your value and your worth. And they’re gonna want you to participate with you.
Dana (19m 32s):
And The universe will cooperate with absolutely.
Deb (19m 35s):
The other thing is that your also teaching other people, its okay to receive, but it’s not a weakness. People say oh it’s a weakness receive. No it’s not. And one of the things that I’ve always shared is when you help somebody that is having a hard time. That makes you feel good. I know when I really helps somebody or whether it’s because they hired me or ’cause, I’m just a friend. If it makes you feel really good. And when you ask someone else for help, but it allows them to feel good that they can help you. But we have a feeling that we, we have this belief system, oh, they’re so busy and I don’t want to bother them. And you know, they’re going to think all of these things about me. Let them think. You are not going to ask you a person that’s going to think poorly of you.
Deb (20m 15s):
It’s okay. So that’s, that’s part of it. I think the other thing is to not control it, people will say a lot of times, well, if I just had this much money, I would be okay, and this is something to
Dana (20m 30s):
Then your setting a limit again,
Deb (20m 32s):
that’s a belief is a limiting versus saying, Hey, it wanting to be, but bring me abundance. I’ll figure out what to do with it. Do you know when it, when it shows up, but there is a feeling of limited belief regarding how much you need. If I just have this and again, you just have, this was going to happen later on and vs just allowing you to, to come through. And you can just say what to do later on. I think it’s also remembering that abundance can be so many other things than just paper and coin money. It can be your relationships. You know, you want an abundant of good health, your relationships. You want to be able to receive hearing your guides hearing your loved ones. You want to receive more opportunities in your life, all that receive,
Dana (21m 13s):
Or you want to attract more clients if you are that type of a business or a business. Yeah.
Deb (21m 19s):
But you know, receiving and if you can’t receive, it’s going to be hard to hear it from your guides in your loved ones. So that’s all part of the receiving thing is being able to, so
Dana (21m 28s):
You’re telling me that your a good receiver.
Deb (21m 31s):
Yes. So I’ve been learning for the years, But parts of that, that is if you feel like you have to control it or you’re not good enough or whatever that belief system is, it does affect your ability to receive it because you lower your energy vibration.
Dana (21m 46s):
So what are some ways that, that you can, what are some things that you can specifically do to change this energy?
Deb (21m 54s):
Wear orange for your second chakra, a dance
Dana (21m 58s):
Where orange and dance under the light to the moon.
Deb (22m 2s):
So I started doing this career by learning feng shui and of course, you know, that is one of my passions. What
Dana (22m 7s):
You learned about your abilities through studying feng shui
Deb (22m 11s):
Studying feng shui because I could start feeling energy. And that’s how I truly believe was one of my, it was my catalyst Yeah. I was going to say diving board, but I liked catalyst better. And the great things about feng shui. So it has a wealth corner in your home and your business office or whatever. And you can multiply and each room your wealth corner. We have one client when a student that, when I looked at her one space, it was her wealth. She’s like, really? This is my wealth corner to go. Yeah, you got to really work on that. And she did. And now she has her own practice. Her business is so busy. She has to say no,
Dana (22m 51s):
But that’s fantastic. I know who you’re talking about. And she was, she was in the very beginning of her practice and struggling and not able to find the clients that she needed it. So,
Deb (23m 3s):
And now she’s like, oh wow, she’s got a bundle. This is going to abundant. So again, so a simple thing, it took her 30 days, 45 days. And it started shifting,
Dana (23m 13s):
shifting. Yeah.
Deb (23m 14s):
And she wants to the abundance. All right.
Dana (23m 16s):
So Things would feng shui Placing amethyst and those corners and your wealth corner coins, which is your wealth corner in your home or in any room would be.
Deb (23m 29s):
So If you walk in to the door, it would be the left back corner.
Dana (23m 33s):
Okay. So everywhere we go left Hand there in the rear of the room left-hand side corner, and
Deb (23m 39s):
That would be on your desk and different places you can, you, so
Dana (23m 42s):
You can, you can place it in the left corner of the room of the room, the left corner of your desk, the left corner, near your computer, whatever you, whatever your case is. And you can keep expanding that by, by placing it Over and over again,
Deb (23m 59s):
And then you have one entire space in your home. It’s all of the wealth. So if you’re a wealth corner is in, or if you walk in to the front door and the, so the far left to the bathroom, you really don’t want to have any water energy in there.
Dana (24m 12s):
So if your wealth corner so that your left-hand side, the corner of your home, when you walk in the front door, if it’s a bathroom,
Deb (24m 22s):
No water stuff. You want to put red, you want to put Crystal’s, you want to put money. And the duplicate, it ’cause, that means all of your money is going down the drain.
Dana (24m 33s):
Okay. So you’ve placed these things in that room, but also you multiply it in all the other rooms of your home
Deb (24m 40s):
put the toliet seat down isn’t that funny. You don’t let the money to be fleshed out the door. So what it does work, you do. Yeah.
Dana (24m 48s):
But if your home is not situated that way, whatever room that is, you place your crystals, your intentions put a money tree,
Deb (24m 59s):
Real plant.
Dana (24m 60s):
Yeah. Because of live life plants there, or just bring life to it, right?
Deb (25m 5s):
Yeah. If it feels good, purple is also that color and gold per boat is a royalty color. So the reason why a purple is a royalty color and it’s also the third eye is in several thousand years ago, they didn’t have anything to do the color purple. So the wealthy were able to have people swim down and get coral to make the color purple. So this is why it was the one he’s considered for a royalty. So that’s why is that color is used
Dana (25m 32s):
you love that story. So we have lots of purple
Deb (25m 38s):
and we want wealth. so the next thing I’m going to encourage people to do is write down your beliefs about money. And this is what we were talking about earlier. You know, rich
Dana (25m 45s):
limiting beliefs.
Deb (25m 46s):
Like if you will go, well, I want a lot of money, but I don’t want to change who I am. Why would you change who you are? That means, and their belief system that everyone that has money is not very nice. And that’s not true. So you want to really think about people that are wealthy, that, or kind that you respect and where are
Dana (26m 3s):
or you change your storand Be the kind one.
Deb (26m 5s):
Yes. Look at your beliefs from childhood or what people tell you about money.
Dana (26m 11s):
So write down your beliefs and evaluate what is your belief system? It is, yeah.
Deb (26m 16s):
And evaluate if that’s the right thing, your vision,
Dana (26m 18s):
How do they changed their story.
Deb (26m 19s):
re- tell it.
Dana (26m 20s):
So re-write it the way they want it. Okay.
Deb (26m 23s):
So we always like vision boards and vision boards are a great way of looking at different individuals or situations regarding money. Maybe you want money to be able to rescue dogs or a rescue kids or whatever that you address. A few plants.
Dana (26m 40s):
Me personally, I would invest in a beach house is so,
Deb (26m 48s):
So again, looking at people that if you really have a desire to do some of these things, you’re still doing something that you love and you’re passionate about and you’re helping a community. So if you want to do those things than your limiting beliefs it’s not going to bring that money to you. If you leave that I have to work really hard or I’m gonna have to pay a lot of taxes or, or what are people going to think of me all that is going to lower your energy
Dana (27m 12s):
One of the things we thought about was if we had the ability to do this, we would create a place for retreats that that would house
Deb (27m 22s):
So many, people’s, you know, you to do those things. So we would be their first laying on the floor. Yeah. So I think of that. Are you judging others? And that is again the vision board of your belief systems. If your, that person, that judges are the person that drives up in a fancy car or wearing fancy clothes. And we don’t know their story, someone was posting on Tik TOK that someone was using. I think it was food stamps. And, but, you know, she was dressed nicely and she had, you know, a nice brand purse but people were judging her based on why was she using this? But we don’t know her story. Maybe these were gifts. Maybe these are the things that she had. And all of a sudden she didn’t have money.
Deb (28m 3s):
I mean, I’ve been there where there hasn’t been money and you’re doing your best. But, but again, we look at the judge, others for a, without knowing that the story. So yeah.
Dana (28m 12s):
Maybe somebody loaned her some stuff to get a job. Yeah.
Deb (28m 15s):
Yeah. So she’s on an interview. We want you to look good or not. I feel like, you know, your you’re doing the situation. So again, reel back your judgment because that’s the case is going to keep you from having those things because you may think, well, people are going to judge me like I’m judging that person. So you know, that,
Dana (28m 33s):
that makes sense
Deb (28m 34s):
again, where we have a bunch of malas we love Crystal’s and Malas, and malas are the things you can wear on your wrist or on your neck and there to help you vibrate to an energy, to learn, to receive money. And if you wear it on your wrist or of your left side, that’s the, that’s the receiving or around your neck and our website It talks about all the different ones we have and how to use them. And if you haven’t ever had one, they’re beautiful.
Dana (29m 3s):
they, our stones and Crystal’s, and they have intentions. And one of them is for a, a prosperity. And it was specifically made its hand-made and it’s it’s to help bring prosperity.
Deb (29m 20s):
So where it all around, I went to bed, I have them all of the day or night. Right. It’s a very comfortable, Again, saying thank you with no explanation. When someone compliments you just leave it be, just say thank you and appreciate it and feel it in your heart. At first, it would be uncomfortable, but the more you’re able to receive those things when someone opens the door. So thank you. When someone wants to pick up a, a, you know, the, the, the meal or do something kind for you, don’t feel you owe them, just appreciate it. Is there any, no, that they appreciate you. So it’s also important. The words that we used, we don’t want to say, I just need enough.
Deb (30m 0s):
It’s never enough. It’s hard to make money. You know, playing that victim role again, that victim role is going to be honored by the universe. So I already have my money here. I’m so abundantly blessed with everything I’m getting, and we don’t know where that money is gonna come from, but it, we don’t have to be Attached to it.
Dana (30m 18s):
So act as if, as soon as it versus
Deb (30m 24s):
Being desperate, feeling like you can’t get it or it’s hard,
Dana (30m 27s):
Or wanting it or asking for it, you need to act as if
Deb (30m 31s):
That’s what I did. How I met Dana is I wrote a letter to the universe thinking the universe that I had this person, and I never put that there was a male or female. And when I found Dana or she found me a few months later, I found the letter and it fit her to a tee shirt. So we, again, I acted as if that partner was already here in my life and how I wanted it. And that’s how the abundance wrote the letter.
Dana (30m 53s):
And that’s exactly how you wrote it as it is,
Deb (30m 56s):
As if it’s is it. I think it is also believing that it’s easier to receive. I think we were taught, we have to work hard. Who are you do to deserve this? And you make sure you marry someone smart so they can take care of you, whatever that belief systems or I need to have another degree in order to receive the value. And, and that’s a human or old belief. It’s not an energetic belief. So realizing that you do deserve, you’re a good person, even if you’re a bad person, I always say to people for money can buy hospital’s to help children. And that can be a, you can buy weapons of mass destruction. Money is just a vibration of energy, whatever we do with it, your, a vibration of energy, you can attract it based on how you see your value and worth what you believe in and how you learn to receive.
Dana (31m 46s):
And that is amazing.
Deb (31m 47s):
Good. Well, I hope you guys use some of this and I hope that you see a abundance in all the ways in your life. Thank you for doing this. Namaste
Dana (31m 57s):
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