Want to Easily Get Messages from Spirit & Loved Ones? Get this amazing FREE Psychic Dreaming Course

Monterey California “An Evening of Spirit Messages with Medium Deb Sheppard”


Hey Monterey!

Join the beloved Spiritual Medium, Deb Sheppard, for an unforgettable evening of Spirit!

Deb will share Spiritual lessons she has learned from more that two decades of being a liason between you and your loved ones in the Spirit world. She will deliver detailed messages of love, comfort and encouragement from loved ones on the other side. You’ll leave forever changed – with a fresh new perspective on life and death, a stronger connection to the spirit world and the comforting awareness that you are not alone!


“I am often introduced to many so-called mediums, intuitive, and psychics. There is nothing “so-called” about Deb Sheppard. She is the real thing.”


– James Van Praagh

Clairvoyant and Spiritual Medium

Author of the New York Times bestseller

Talking to Heaven and The Power of Love

Rules & Policies:

  • Doors open 30 minutes before each event.
  • Ticket handling fee may be applied by the box office or venue.
  • Age requirements for Deb’s shows are 13 years or older to attend. Please, no lap children or infants.
  • This event is for entertainment purposes only.
  • No refunds or exchanges will be honored after tickets have been purchased.
  • Deb Sheppard will try to read as many people as time will allow. Admission to this event does not guarantee a reading.