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Giving Back

There are many foundations out there to choose from and I wish I could give to all of them. 

These main two that I have chosen to hit very close to home with me and my family. 

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The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation is run by dear friends of mine, Julie and Doug Hutchison who lost their daughter Chelsea to SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death by Epilepsy). They provide grants for seizure response dogs and life-saving monitors for families in need. I have been involved with the foundation for many years and suffer from seizures myself.  Please see their website for more information.

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American Foundation for Suicide Awareness and the Out of Darkness Walk are very important to me.  My family has been affected multiple times by suicide.  First my late husband and then my nephew.  Every year I set up a booth and support the Out of Darkness Walk in Denver.  We lose so many kids and adults to suicide every year and the goal is to bring more awareness to suicide prevention and to help break the stigma of depression and mental health.